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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Mood. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì 27 agosto 2018

Blake Lively indossa Bottega Veneta

Blake Lively wearing BV Cruise 19_August 18th 2018 (1)

Blake Lively indossa Bottega Veneta (Multicolor cotton jacket and pant, Dark Moss cashmere sweater and Aloe/Mint silk shirt della collezione Cruise 2019 e Lilac Spheres Knot Clutch della colelzione Spring/Summer 2018) il 18 agosto 2018 in New York City.

Blake Lively wearing BV Cruise 19_August 18th 2018 (2)



Dopo Stoccolma, Moncler consolida la propria presenza nei paesi scandinavi e annuncia l’apertura della prima boutique a Oslo, in Norvegia, segnando un nuovo traguardo del piano di sviluppo del retail network.


In linea con la strategia di posizionamento del brand, presente nelle più esclusive città internazionali, oltre che nei più importanti ski resort del mondo, la nuova boutique Moncler si trova nella suggestiva via Nedre Slottsgate, prestigiosa destinazione della capitale norvegese.


Disposto su due piani collegati da una scala in marmo bianco Calacatta, lo spazio ricopre una superficie complessiva di circa 320 metri quadrati, circa 200 dei quali destinati alla vendita, e sin dall’ingresso invita il pubblico ad immergersi nell’atmosfera distintiva haute montagne, resa accogliente e al tempo stesso contemporanea dalla scelta dei materiali e dalla disposizione degli spazi.


Gli ambienti, disegnati dallo studio di architettura francese Gilles & Boissier, storico partner di Moncler, sono resi unici dalla pavimentazione che presenta un’alternanza tra il marmo bianco e nero Marquina, il parquet in rovere fumè e la moquette sui toni del marrone brunito. La boutique, divisa in diverse aree delimitate da portali in pietra grigia, è resa inconfondibile dalle pareti in pelle color crema in contrasto con le nicchie espositive in ottone, legno e metallo nero per il piano terra, e dalla boiserie dark black per il primo piano. I soffitti variano dal legno rovere fumè e nero alla pelle chiara.


L’offerta della boutique accoglie le collezioni Moncler uomo, donna e accessori.

BOSS sets a new tone with striking Fall/Winter campaign


Meet the next BOSS. The German fashion house unveils a bold new direction for Fall / Winter 2018, with the BOSS man and the BOSS woman featured side by side as equals in a single campaign.


Shot entirely in black and white by acclaimed fashion photographer David Sims, the images make the clear statement that today's men and women may follow different paths, but they are of one mindset – and both equally BOSS.


The Fall / Winter imagery will be released in phases, starting with striking portraits of the international cast, made up of four men and four women. Three-quarter length shots will be revealed a month later, before full-length pictures of each model complete the multi-layered story, which is centered on the core BOSS brand values of ambition, precision and style.


Designed to inspire the next generation of driven men and women to connect with the iconic brand, the 360-degree campaign will be reflected on all touchpoints, online and offline, and will be accompanied by the new hashtag #TheNextBOSS on social media. All other BOSS campaigns this season, from watches to kidswear, will be presented in the same pared-back, elevated style to emphasize the change in approach.


The world has changed – and BOSS changes with it. The new direction for Fall/Winter 2018 is indicative of a brand that is determined to lead rather than follow – just like the BOSS man and woman of today, and of the years to come.


venerdì 24 agosto 2018

Celebrities in Stuart Weitzman


Bebe Rexha ha indossato i sandali NUDISTPLATFORM agli MTV Video Music Awards


Kylie Jenner ha indossato i sandali NUDIST agli MTV Video Music Awards


Blake Lively ha indossato i sandali NUDIST


Ashlee Simpson ha indossato i sandali NUDIST


Janelle Monae ha indossato gli stivali LOWLAND personalizzati durante la sua performance al Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival a San Francisco


Gabrielle Union ha indossato le oxford MONK


Jessica Biel ha indossato i sandali NUDIST durante la sua apparizione al “Late Night with Seth Meyers” show

giovedì 23 agosto 2018



Un racconto corale alla scoperta delle connessioni umane che legano i membri di una piccola comunità.

L’obiettivo di Jamie Hawkesworth svela il lato più tenero e primitivo della collezione Marni A/I 2018, delineando un poetico collage di sentimenti e relazioni, ambientato in un luogo sospeso nel tempo e nello spazio.


Ogni personaggio interpreta Marni in modo naturale e spontaneo, dando forma a quella necessità quasi primordiale di costruire pezzi intorno al corpo in maniera istintiva.


Una pluralità di voci che parlano un linguaggio universalmente condiviso, ma che allo stesso tempo afferma la propria individualità.




Craig Green si focalizza su elementi strettamente legati all’uomo, dove protezione e funzione sono i temi dominanti. Ispirato da sempre da un approccio altamente pragmatico, Green disegna sagome esagerate e scultoree, costruite come la somma di elementi cubici che mantengono un senso di funzione, concentrandosi esclusivamente sui piumini in nylon opaco e in cotone. Per quanto radicali le sue silhouette scultoree possano apparire, nel loro ribaltamento del dialogo tra capo di abbigliamento e corpo, in quel loro look da salvagente o da zattera di salvataggio, quelle forme sono state progettate per essere indossate e usate. L’imbottitura importante conferisce ai capi proporzioni monumentali, eppure è estremamente leggera, quasi fosse fatta d’ aria. La protezione giunge ai massimi livelli, trasformando il piumino in una sorta di moderna armatura, con il cappuccio che cela il volto.


Amplificati nella loro simbolica seppur funzionale presenza, i capi assumono la valenza di veri e propri habitat: unità autosufficienti in cui rifugiarsi e vivere in condizioni estreme. Craig Green esprime una visione futurista che pone fieramente al centro l’essere umano. Proposta in una rigorosa palette di bianco, nero e blu notte, la collezione si impone in tutta la sua radicalità. Le impunture nere creano un effetto gessato, dando un tocco grafico.


In occasione del lancio della collezione, SSENSE MONTRÉAL presenta l’installazione: 5 MONCLER CRAIG GREEN. Una struttura che ricalca quella della presentazione a Febbraio scorso durante la settimana della moda milanese e che comprende i capi originali di Craig Green per Moncler Genius accostati alle sculture meccaniche dark dello studio Isabel + Helen. Con il sottotitolo ‘Abito come Protezione’, 5 MONCLER CRAIG GREEN amplifica l’heritage di Moncler, basato sulla performance, attraverso la visione survivalista di Green. Pur mantenendo un rigoroso pragmatismo la grande struttura architettonica spinge all’astrazione il concetto di funzionalità e di protezione.



20 MARNI MEN FW 18-19

Field notes.
Raccogliere impressioni e sensazioni.
Collegare visioni, suoni e sapori.

06 MARNI MEN FW 18-19

Viaggiare attraverso mondi: in movimento o fermi.
Spontaneamente, automaticamente.
Avvolti in una coperta, con sandali masai ai piedi.
Protetti da montgomery ingigantiti.

33 MARNI MEN FW 18-19

Godendo dei piaceri infantili dei maglioni fatti a mano.
Uno sguardo innocente, per mantener vivo il fanciullino interiore.
Una pluralità di stimoli, scossi e non mescolati.

37 MARNI MEN FW 18-19

In laboratorio, con la tuta.
Sul campo, in un duvet trapuntato e stampato.
Sotto la pioggia, in gigantesche giacche a vento.
Cucchiai di zabaione per rafforzare lo spirito con iniezioni di zucchero.
Detour lungo le linee di quaderni, diari e stati d'animo.

39 MARNI MEN FW 18-19

Fare a fette pensieri, tagliarli e rimetterli insieme.
L'audacia dei gesti immediati.
Decorarsi con piccoli charm.
Calcare un berretto di maglia sulla testa.
Tirare le cravatte di traverso.
Diari che incrociano zibaldoni, note su note di esperienze accumulate, messe addosso.
Ogni oggetto, un punto da collegare. Ogni sguardo, un percorso.

42 MARNI MEN FW 18-19

Broccati cinesi, ikat indiani, righe africane, tweed inglesi.
Ingenuità e meraviglia.
Sorpresa di proporzioni e sproporzioni.
Micro, macro e quel che ci sta in mezzo.
S M L XL, messi insieme a caso.
Grandi piedi e scarpe da ginnastica anche più grandi.
Frank Navin che disegna sulle superfici mondi paralleli abitati da animali e oggetti.
Sconoscere confini o distinzioni.
Accumulare all'infinito, compulsivamente.
Seguendo nessun principio come unico principio.
L'intuizione come stato di grazia.

01 MARNI MEN FW 18-1902 MARNI MEN FW 18-1903 MARNI MEN FW 18-1904 MARNI MEN FW 18-1905 MARNI MEN FW 18-1906 MARNI MEN FW 18-1907 MARNI MEN FW 18-1908 MARNI MEN FW 18-1909 MARNI MEN FW 18-1910 MARNI MEN FW 18-1911 MARNI MEN FW 18-1912 MARNI MEN FW 18-1913 MARNI MEN FW 18-1914 MARNI MEN FW 18-1915 MARNI MEN FW 18-1916 MARNI MEN FW 18-1917 MARNI MEN FW 18-1918 MARNI MEN FW 18-1919 MARNI MEN FW 18-1920 MARNI MEN FW 18-1921 MARNI MEN FW 18-1922 MARNI MEN FW 18-1923 MARNI MEN FW 18-1924 MARNI MEN FW 18-1925 MARNI MEN FW 18-1926 MARNI MEN FW 18-1927 MARNI MEN FW 18-1928 MARNI MEN FW 18-1929 MARNI MEN FW 18-1930 MARNI MEN FW 18-1931 MARNI MEN FW 18-1932 MARNI MEN FW 18-1933 MARNI MEN FW 18-1934 MARNI MEN FW 18-1935 MARNI MEN FW 18-1936 MARNI MEN FW 18-1937 MARNI MEN FW 18-1938 MARNI MEN FW 18-1939 MARNI MEN FW 18-1940 MARNI MEN FW 18-1941 MARNI MEN FW 18-1942 MARNI MEN FW 18-1943 MARNI MEN FW 18-1944 MARNI MEN FW 18-1945 MARNI MEN FW 18-1901 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc02 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc03 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc04 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc05 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc06 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc09 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc10 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc07 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc08 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc11b MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc11c MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc12a MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc11a MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc12b MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc12c MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc13b MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc14 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc15 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc16 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc19 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc20 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc21 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc17 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc22 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc18 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc23 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc24 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc25 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc26 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc27 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc28 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc30 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc31 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc32 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc33 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc34 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc35 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - Acc36 MARNI MEN FW 18-19 - AccMILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 13:  A model, detail, walks the runway at the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.  (Photo by Pietro D'Aprano/Getty Images for Marni)seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.seen backstage ahead of the Marni show during Milan Men's Fashion Week Fall/Winter 2018/19 on January 13, 2018 in Milan, Italy.